Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh yeah...well my son can sign!

Yeah, Yeah, I know what I said about not being impressed about signing. I take that all back. When Burke signed for milk it just made me so excited! While Burke was so sick he had to have Nebulizer treatments every two hours. Getting an 11 month old to sit still during a treatment was pure torteture on him and me. I found that he didn't mind the treatments so much if he could watch Immagination Movers and Baby Einstein videos. So we kind of got in a rut and have been watching the baby signs about once a day. I noticed a few days ago that he was trying to sign. He would do a lot with his hands while watching. And then it happened. While watching the video he saw the milk and did the sign!! Yay, Burke!! This morning when I was making his bottle he did the sign again for milk!

So yeah, my son can sign! And I am just thrilled!!!


  1. Okay, now do you believe me! I love signing!!!

  2. I am so impressed!!! I have been working with Hunter on signing for so long... to no avail. Reading this makes me realize that they really are soaking it up and I am sure that one day he will get the hang of it!
