Can you believe I am about to write another blog entry?! I mean it hasn't been two weeks since my last entry. I must be crazy!! I have two things to share. The first is about Burke using sign language. Our great friends,
Carrie and Brian's daughter, Grace is a signing maniac. Truly, she signs like crazy. While I think this is neat and all I am not quite as turned on by the whole idea. I will be ok if Burke never signs to me. But we do have a video that Carrie got us and we have been watching it. Actually, Greg and Burke watch it. When I sit Burke down to watch tv it is so I can get something done, it isn't so I can watch tv with him! But Greg will sit down and watch the signing videos. And being the great daddy he is, he will do the signs and repeat them to Burke. Occasionally he will sign to Burke "milk", "Daddy", etc. Me, not too into it. Well, Burke has started waving. Like he is saying "hi". I said, "how cute he is saying hi". Greg said, "oh no, he is saying milk". I laughed and said, "yeah, right!" But I did give in and gave Burke milk. He wasn't interested. Greg thinks Burke is learning sign language. Milk being the first sign. I think Burke is waving. Burke thinks, my parents are stupid. I am just figuring out these hands are pretty cool! Carrie this post was for you!
Ice Cream! Greg and I love ice cream! Like truly we love ice cream. Which is the last thing we need to love, but oh well. So the other night we went to Dairy Queen. Yummy! When we got home I gave Burke a little taste. He LOVED it! He screamed and cried when I took it away. I am so proud of him. He knows what good is!

I hope you all are having a great week!
go with the signs momma! they cut down on the whining!!!!!!!!! :) glad to see you are doing well and the boy is growing and growing! so cute! -jen keeton
ReplyDeleteLove the new blog - I shared the link on my FB site - I hope that's ok!
ReplyDeleteIsn't DQ ice cream the best??? ;)
Go Gregie! Keep on signing with Burke. I swear it will work wonders!!! Haven has started signing, too. He knows, hi/bye, milk, more, all done, and he shakes his head "no". It is too soon to deal with "no" already, but he knows it!
ReplyDeleteHey Alicia, get some wall paper. This black screen is making me seasick! :)
It is always good to hear from a fellow Jayhawk :)! I am so excited for football season to start on Saturday, but am even more pumped for basketball season!! Are you guys originally from Kansas?
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful that you continue to update your blog! Whenever I am wondering how you are doing I know that I can pull up your blog to see current photos! Burke gets cuter everyday!