If you stopped by to read this post you probably think it is weird that I am doing this. Clearly I should not be awarded anything for blogging, but someone who loves me thinks I deserve this award!
Here are the rules for the Kreativ Blog Award:
Thank the person who chose you for the Kreativ Blog Award--thank you Carrie!--check
Tell my readers 7 interesting things about myself that you might not already know
Choose 7 more bloggers to be awarded the Kreativ Blog Award and send them a comment so they know they have won.
So here goes. I am not really an interesting person. After reading Carrie's interesting things mine seem really uninteresting.
1. I met my husband, Greg, in the third grade and he was my boyfriend! Yes, he asked me to "go" with him and so I did. We didn't go anywhere, but he was my boyfriend. He moved that same year and long distance relationships just don't last. So we broke up and as I walked home from school he threw a quarter at me from the bus he was riding home on.
2. I got an MIP when I was a Junior in high school. What, you don't know what an MIP is? You must have been a good girl! An MIP is Minor In Possession. I was in possession of alcohol. My parents had left town for the weekend and trusted my sister and I a little too much. A couple of girlfriends and I went out and drank too much. We were hand cuffed and taken to the police station. My parents handled the situation the best out of all the parents. I was grounded for a weekend and couldn't drive my car. They were mainly annoyed because we had to attend some drinking class with our parents. That didn't thrill them to say the least!
3. Oh gee this is hard! I like to mow! Seriously, I don't mind mowing the lawn one bit! Especially when we lived in North Dakota where it was cool. Greg doesn't like that I enjoy mowing. I know it bothers him to see me out there mowing, like the neighbors think he is lazy. He hires someone to mow because he can't stand that I am out there doing it.
4. I have moved 7 times in 8 years with Greg's job! I think I am quite good at moving these days. However this last move with a baby was hard work!
5. I have a trick knee! Since I was in the fourth grade I have had knees that dislocate. Very painful to say the least. They dislocate at the worst of times. The first time I was playing Dodge Ball (love that game), followed by walking down the hall in Junior High, my Freshman year in volleyball practice (let me tell you I felt terrible that all my team mates had to do sprints, but I didn't because I hurt my knee. They had to run the sprints because of me...I was a horrible volleyball player! The last time the knee tricked out on me was after my brother's funeral. Stupid knee!
6. Since I mentioned Volleyball I thought I would tell you about my ability in athletics! I have ZERO ability! My parents had a rule that you tried out for every sport. Well, when you go to a small enough school everyone makes the team. Even the ones who shouldn't! I should have never made the team! I can't believe my parents attended the games. I would have been embarrassed to be my parents!
7. I got caught skipping school my junior year too. My mom was not happy! I had to do a Saturday school and it was horrible! Sorry, but only the really bad kids did Saturday school!
So there you have it. 7 interesting things about me. Now I need to tag 7 people. Here goes!
1. Carrie C.
2. Marcy
3. Oh no I don't know anyone else....