Ok, so I'm really sorry I have been so bad about blogging, but we have had a very busy couple of months, and well, blogging just isn't that important anymore. Whew...where do I begin?! Life has been crazy busy for us. Greg took a new position for the Railroad and left for the new job Memorial Day weekend. Our house went on the market June 12 and we had a contract in three days! I spent about two months being a single parent, I have no idea how people do it. It was hard! Every night we would go to our neighbor Dionne's house for supper and for me to have a wine cooler! Dionne was such a great friend for me! And such a good babysitter for Burke! In the middle of all this we were able to take a week trip to my parents! We had a great time on the lake! Burke got his helmet too. And we celebrated Burke turning six months! We are now all settled in our new house in the Austin, TX area. The boxes are all unpacked and we are getting back into a routine. It is so nice when Greg comes home at night. I hope to never have to be a "single mom" again! I love our new house! I was able to get a one story! My old lady joints really hated the stairs! I finally got a brand new house too! Did I mention I really like it!
On to Burke news! Burke got his helmet June 24. He had his six month shots the next day and the helmet was a no go. He cried and cried and I thought it was from the helmet. Then we went on vacation and Greg and I decided it was just too hot for him to wear it. So at that point we lost about three weeks of wearing time. When we came home July 13 I was determined to have him wear it. I put it on him and only took it off for baths. Well, our hard work paid off. We saw his doctor last week and he said his head looked great and that he didn't need it anymore! I was so happy! His head corrected itself so quickly. We had been told he would probably wear it for three months. Ha! He wore it barely a month! And he didn't mind wearing it one bit. In fact he slept better wearing it!
Burke here is what you are doing these days! Other than bringing your momma more joy and love than I ever knew possible!
- You are sitting up which you have been for a long time!
- You even sit up in the bathtub and you LOVE to splash at your toys.
- You smile a lot. Anytime I look at you and smile you smile. If I talk to you, you smile. You are a smiler.
- You are eating homemade baby food! I have made you carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, green peas, avocados, peaches, mangos, apples, bananas, blueberries. Your favorite by far is sweet potatoes! You are also eating baby yogurt and you like that. You don't like your cereal. I've tried several different things and you just don't like it.
-You out grew all your clothes almost over night. You have a few onesies and outfits that fit, but not much. I had to order from the Gap the other day as I am afraid you won't have anything and all the summer clothes are going to be gone.
- You wear size 3 diapers and 6-12 month clothes.
- You just rolled from your back to tummy yesterday. That was hard for you! You have been able to do tummy to back for a long time, but not back to tummy!
- You got your first tooth yesterday!!! Poor baby, you are cranky! I have been giving you Motrin, but you aren't your happy self.
- You sat in the big high chair at Chili's the other day! You thought you were so big and cool! It was a very pleasant meal for me and daddy!
- You sat in the grocery cart yesterday and you just looked and looked. Of course, everyone oohed and ahhed over you!
- You are trying very hard to crawl but not yet. You sure can move in your crib though. You get yourself butted up to the top and hurt your little head. When you had your helmet you could do that, but now that you don't have it, you wake up with red marks and/or crying.
- You go to bed around 8:00 pm and wake about 6:00. You take a morning nap and an afternoon nap.
- You love your exersaucer! I worried I had spent all this money on it and you didn't like it but you do! You jump and jump!
- You LOVE Riley! You like all dogs, but Riley just hangs the moon! Riley isn't too impressed with you though. What does he know!
- You always laugh for daddy! You squeal and giggle and just have a ball. But mommy can stand on her head and you just smile. I look like an idiot trying to get you to laugh but you won't. I guess I am not funny to you!
- You have become an excellent traveler! You have endured more trips to Houston than any baby should ever need too! I'm not going to brag too much on this one because we have to go back soon!
- You are reaching and grabbing for everything. You have mastered finding your paci and putting it in your mouth. That paci is your BEST friend!
- You rode in your stroller facing forward a couple of times. You seem to like that.
- You have learned if you squirm when I am giving you a bottle you won't fall asleep. It can drive me crazy! You do this especially when it is past your bed time.
- You are sunshine to my days. No matter how tired I am I always smile when I walk in your room to pick you up. You get cuter by the naps! You are so happy! I can't believe you are seven months. I mean, I seriously can't believe it. I hope time slows down a bit. Seven months has flown by. I love you so much sweet boy!
So there you have it. Burke is just a joy to be with. He has been so much fun lately.
I will try to do better with my updates. I'm just busy and I can count on one hand how many readers I have! ha! To all my Houston friends who read this...I miss you terribly. I hope to see you soon!