Today my baby boy turned 5 months old! It is hard to believe. I can't imagine my life without him. I think about what I did before him and well, life was boring. My life is hoping these days! I have so much to share but tonight I will just talk about Burke.
Burke is eating cereal with applesauce in the morning and bed time. He eats with a spoon and has a great time!
Burke is sitting up! He is quite steady and can sit up long enough to play with his toys and for me to go grab the camera and get some pictures!
Burke is sleeping through the night! He sleeps from 8-6! Whohoo!
Burke is very vocal! He has a voice these days and he is very proud to hear himself! He squeals in delight and talks to me all the time. He also loves to flirt. He is quite the charmer!
Burke loves to watch TV. He only gets to watch for one hour, but he loves it!
Burke is standing strong and can't hardly sit still!
Burke realized this week that we have a dog. That this thing, is very different than his parents. He is mesmerized by Riley! He can't look away from him!
Burke also realized this week he has a tongue! He constantly is sticking his tongue out. It is funny!
Burke is a drooling maniac! His shirts are never dry. I don't like to see him in bibs all the time, so most of the time his shirts are wet.
Burke has been to our friend and neighbor Dionne's house three times now, while I've went to doctor's appt. He does great! Of course, they love on Burke almost as much as I do! It is wonderful to have neighbors you can trust and depend on. Thanks Dionne!
We had a great day celebrating Greg's first Father's Day. I love to watch and listen to Greg when he plays and loves on Burke. He is such an awesome daddy!
I have a lot to post about and I will but not tonight. Enjoy the pictures...I can't get blogger to work properly tonight. It is taking forever to upload my pictures. I'll upload more tomorrow.
It is crazy how much your cutie pie looks like Greg!!!