Here is what Burke is doing at 10 months!
Burke is a little cruiser! He is getting quite good at it and can drop one hand. I don't see him walking anytime soon though. Maybe for his 1 year Birthday? No hurry though.
Burke got his first "goose egg" on his head. He fell pretty hard on the tile and we ended up going to the doctor. They checked him and all was well except for a bruise and goose egg. I know it hurt him and it broke my heart.
You are such a little poser. When you hear the flash you will stop what you are doing and just cheese! You have definitely had your picture taken a time or two!
Burke is eating finger foods. But for the most part still eats baby food. He loves those Gerber Puff things.
You know how to let me know you want something I have. You just get mad and cry. You love the remote control, my iPhone, the home phone, cords, daddy's electronics, etc. Anything that could cost significant money to replace you love and want to hold and put in your mouth!! ha!
You got two more teeth this month! You now have three teeth on the bottom and one on top!
You love your pacifier! Lord, help me when I have to take them away. You shove it in your mouth and can do all sorts of tricks with it. Many times you will have a paci in your mouth and one in each hand. Just in case!
You love to take off the door stops and put the little plastic end piece in your mouth. Which about gave me a heart attack when I realized that was what was in your mouth!

You were a bat for Halloween! You looked so cute, but you did not know why you were dressed up! You sucked on a little bit of a Kit Kat! Yummy!
You are such a good baby. You do so well when we go out to eat! Which we are so thankful for because we love to go out to eat! I think that you like to go out because you watch all the people and just chat away.
You love bath time! You love to watch the water come out of the facet. Thank goodness you like baths...your mom is a bit of a clean freak!
Your eyes get bluer and bluer each day. Man are they blue! And you have beautiful strawberry blonde hair with curls. You are just adorable and the love of my life! I love you Burke! Mommy
To my blogging friends. I will try to do better with posting. I decided to leave my blog open for now. I did make it so you can no longer comment as anonymous. You will need to register. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!